Upper Lyman Lake, Glacier Peak Wilderness
Upper Lyman Lake, Glacier Peak Wilderness is in the North Cascade Mountain range, in Western Washington State. Half a million acres of spectacular, rugged terrain pretty much untouched by modern life.
There are many ways in, trails leading into its fastness and one of the most famous is the Spider Meadows – Buck Creek Pass Loop.
2 summers ago I made the trip, hiked through the meadows, climbed up the valley head, shot through the Spider Gap and descended down into the remote basin with Upper Lyman Lake.
I spent 5 days doing the loop and without doubt my favorite part was this section.
The stark surroundings of the upper valley, rocks and snow, the rich colors of the lakes waters, the freshness of the place, stick with me.
- Imaging Upper Lyman Lake
- Below Spider Gap
- Upper Lyman Lake
Upper Lyman Lake, Glacier Peak Wilderness
Despite our plans to make our way to Cloudy Pass that evening we lingered. A short rain storm caught us as we reached the summit of the gap, but it passed quickly. Soon the sun was back and we used this as an extra excuse to stay, drying our things in the sun.
Evening came and the light and views were wonderful.
The green glow of the lakes, the red of the upper valley and the blue sky were almost a color overload!
Definitely on the list for this late July!
North Cascades Photo Tour information is available here.
- Spider Gap