How to use your DSLR to Capture Awesome Images – Class 1
What the class teaches:
- How to Shoot in Manual Mode
- Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO. These 3 settings will be explained in detail with lots of examples and images.
- Depth of Field: You’ll learn how a photographer changes this in an image.
- Bracketing Exposure is capturing multiple images of the same subject with different exposures.
- A Circular Polarizer is an optical filter that screws onto the end of the lens.
- Raw vs. Jpeg – We’ll discuss this as well as an overview of editing a RAW image file.
- Prerequisites: You must be familiar with you basic camera settings, taking pictures in Auto Mode, image review, etc.
- Equipment Required: A DSLR or Mirrorless Camera with interchangeable lenses.
Dates and Times:
- April 17, Thursday, 6pm -8pm
- May 3, Saturday, 10am – 12pm
How to Capture Awesome Images with your DSLR – Class 2
What the class teaches:
- Lenses and Focusing: Different lens focal lengths and what they are best for
- You’ll learn the technique of Focus & Recompose
- Sharper Images: Blurry images can be avoided by following one simple rule
- Hyper-focal Distance: How to extend your depth of field in landscape images.
- We will take time to practice these skills outdoors
- We will cover in detail how to capture Night Sky images of the stars and Milky Way.
- Discuss all the equipment needed
- Exact camera and lens settings, Walk through setting up out in the field!
- Locations for night sky imaging and more!
- Prerequisites: You must be completely comfortable with shooting in Manual Mode.
- March 25, Tuesday, 6pm-8pm
- April 23, Wednesday, 6pm-8pm
Photo Composition Class in La Conner
What the class teaches:
How you compose a shot means everything. This class shows simple composition techniques and gives you an idea of what to look for when you’re out capturing images.
After we complete the classroom section of the workshop we will embark on a walking Photo Tour of La Conner where you will practice what you just learned.
- Rule of Thirds: This simple technique provides a framework for lining up your shots.
- How does YOUR position affect the image?
- How to simplify an image
- Layering: Near and Far
- Symmetry
- Reflections
- Leading Lines: Leading lines are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image
- Angle of light / Time of Day
- Framing is a technique used to direct attention to the subject.
- What are Elements of Coolness and How to Add them to your Image
- Half the workshop is in the classroom, the other half we will be walking through La Conner looking for Photo Composition images!
- Prerequisites: None.
- Equipment Required: Any digital devise to capture images.
Dates and Times:
- March 19, Wednesday – 6pm-8pm
Andy Porter Photography Classes in La Conner
Classes are held at The Andy Porter Photography Gallery located at 306 Morris Street, La Conner
Each workshop costs $50 and is between 1.5 and 2.5 hours in length. Register at look for the “Photography Class is La Conner” tab at the top
Street parking is available. Limited Seating!
Cancellation Policy: You can cancel and receive a full refund up to 48 Hours before the class. IF you cancel with less then 48 hours notice you will not be refunded, but you can reschedule your class for another date.
QUESTIONS??? Email me at: or call me at 360-809-0661.